Botëkuptimet Filozofike Në Kërkimin Shkencor Rreth Medias Dhe Komunikimit
Philosophy and communication as two different fields in the humanities have their source, in most cases, in the same authors. Without claiming that communication scientists have been philosophers at the same time and vice versa, the place where these two fields clearly come together is the methods of scientific research in media and communication. Usually, before a scientific paper or article is published, regardless of the discipline or topic, it encounters several philosophical phases from the very beginning of its conception. In addition, when researchers conceive of conducting a study and then all the phases that follow until publication, they bring their philosophical worldviews to it. The greatest level of manifestation of these worldviews is what researchers have called research paradigms, or approaches to research. These worldviews during the work appear both in the form of prior knowledge and in the form of beliefs that researchers carry. This knowledge, values, and beliefs in many cases determine the way data is collected, analyzed, and published. Thus, this paper deals with the integration of philosophy with scientific research in the field of media and communication, with a main focus on philosophical worldviews and the role they play in the development of research from the first stages to the final publication. The paper also addresses how philosophical worldviews determine the selection of approaches to topics and how the papers will connect to the larger literary scene. Thus, by reviewing the existing literature on philosophical views and research methods in media and communication, it is concluded that philosophical views, knowledge, beliefs and values are determinants of how a paper will be developed, thus influencing the results of that paper.
philosophical worldview, belief, values, knowledge, research methods, media and communication
Alban Tufa
Beder University CollegeDr. Erlis CELA
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