ISSN 2707-3041
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BJH Journal

VOL - 20 / 2024

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The Lausanne Conference started operating on November 21, 1922. A basic stance that the Ankara government upheld throughout the meeting was that Turkey should be treated as an independent, sovereign nation on par with the other participating governments. Its reputation in the worldwide community was formed as a result of this attitude. Turkey absolutely did not flinch in the face of any proposal that would have an impact on Turkish sovereignty when discussing matters relating to financial control, minorities' protection, capitulations, straits, etc. The Greco-Turkish agreement on the exchange of populations was signed in January 1923, and the Treaty of Lausanne was signed on July 23, 1923, under the watchful eyes of the Great Powers and the League of Nations. The people exchange agreement was a tool that indirectly impacted Albania because it jeopardized the livelihood of the Albanian minority in Greece. Because of this, the Albanian government made an extra effort to respond in the international arena and realize the rescue of this community in order to avoid becoming a victim of the exchange. The Albanian administration sought negotiations with the Turkish government because it was unable to reach an understanding with the Greek government regarding cooperation. When this pressure was applied, Turkish diplomacy had just recently reaffirmed Albania's position. Turkey, on the other hand, opposed including the Chameria people in this exchange. As a result, it shifted its political stance by permitting and making the establishment of the criteria for the modified population a requirement. The articles from the 1920s and 1930s press as well as archive documentation sources from the era served as the foundation for this essay.


Traktati i Lozan�s, Turqia, marr�veshja e shk�mbimit, minoritet, kritere;


Prof. Assoc. Dr. Ilirjana KACELI (Demirlika)

Beder University College

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