Filozofia Sokratike E Shekullit V (P.E.S.) - Kthesë Historike Në Filozofinë E Vlerave Njerëzore
In ancient philosophy, the 5th century is considered the golden age because science and philosophy took an unprecedented leap. Socrates also belongs to this century as a powerful philosopher and genius thinker who, with the power of reason and reflection, became the soul of Athens. Philosophers before Socrates were mainly thinkers who directed reflection to nature and its study. They were mainly considered physicists. Socrates, unlike the tradition of physicists, changed the direction of this philosophy. He oriented philosophy to the study of man, of his inner self. For this reason, Socrates constitutes a turning point in philosophy, that is, the point where the direction of philosophizing changes from nature to man and human values. This innovation divides philosophers into pre-Socratics (philosophers who were not under the influence of Socrates' philosophy) and Socratics (philosophers who were under the influence of Socrates' philosophy). Socratic philosophy opened a new page in the theory of recognizing the inner values of man through introspection. The foundation on which this philosophy rests is the Socratic maxim: "Man knows himself!" Knowing himself, the interest in the inner man, aims at discovering and externalizing the principles and values of good behavior, which direct human activity towards morality and virtue. Socratic aretology would become a way of life for the Athenians of his century. Socrates proved this feature of philosophy with his life and death. The influence of Socratic philosophy on the life and biography of philosophers would become an important feature of Western philosophy. This philosophy permeated the entire political life and government of Athens in the 5th century (BC). This is best evidenced by the epitaph of Pericles, the emperor of Athens, in which the highest moral values bestowed on heroes are evoked.
diote, introspection, Socratic aretology, turning point in the history of philosophical thought, human values, aretology and virtues, Epitaph of Pericles.
Gjergj Pendavinji
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