Viktimat E Dhunës Seksuale Si Strategji Sociale Dhe Politike Gjatë Luftës Në Kosovë (1998-1999)
The phenomenon of rape is not unknown in the history of sociology. In various periods of war, sexual violence has been used not only as an act of individual violence but also as an organized strategy to break the resistance of specific social groups and destabilize their communities. The war in Kosovo (1998-1999) was no exception, where rapes and other forms of sexual violence were systematically used by Serbian forces to terrorize the civilian population and achieve their political and military objectives. From a sociological perspective, sexual violence in conflicts has deep consequences on the social structure of affected societies. It is not only intended to cause individual harm but also to dismantle collective unity, break community bonds, and destroy the value system of society. In the patriarchal society of Kosovo, where honor and dignity are often closely tied to the body and integrity of women, sexual violence was designed to create trauma that would last beyond the conflict period. Sexual violence during the war in Kosovo represents a horrific form of violence that affected not only individual victims but also the entire society. This violence was not a spontaneous phenomenon but a well-organized strategy with long-term consequences. Confronting this legacy requires not only support for the victims but also a strong commitment to challenge stigmas, build justice, and recover social structures.
War in Kosovo (1998-1999), Sexual violence, Serbian forces, Violence, Rape, Confronting the legacy, Dignity, Stigmatization, Long-term consequences.
Lirie Kurtishaj-Ademi
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